Saturday, August 30, 2008

And I'm entranced in a state of grace.

It's so late. Early. I'd like to get some rest now. Here are a handful of the days highlights:

- mom came home with a shnazzy new suv bmw. (is my dad in the mafia?)
- Maaneli ignored me all day? Deal with that at breakfast. Ugh.
- purchased my textbooks online... cheaper than occ!
- ate meatloaf for the first time, so delicious.
- spent the afternoon/night with Diana pickpacking. 
- GG episodes intermittently. 
- Daniel called; spoke with him for a solid half hour... lovely.
---Considering allowing him to look at this blogging diary of mine. It's really personal and I worry that it would potentially freak him out a little bit.
- Mailed the keys of the apartment back to my dads friend. I just remembered I left an extra key on there. Sorry Ahmad.

It saddens me to think of Diana leaving for school tomorrow. I have become really attached and comfortable around her. I plan on spending the next few weeks with my family mostly. I know I'll miss them the most when I'm gone. Especially Lilo. She's reaching 7 this year... Iiii'm changing the subject. I also plan on gathering/organizing my own possessions for my own move in day. I figure I should get roommate notice by the end of this coming week so we can coordinate accordingly but I still can take my time on the little things I want for me/my room since I have alllll the time in the world.  I also look forward to being on a more stable schedule of sleep. eating, exercise. Overall health, if you will. Strange that when I was in school, I would find myself feeling guilty for not having enough time to take care of my health. Reflecting back, I was MUCH more healthy then compared to now. The strict, time limiting and busy schedule kept me in check. Health health health. I'm using that word a lot. Losing its meaning yet?

Tomorrow night I'm supposed to go out to dinner with Shannon for her birthday, along with whomever else was invited. Will be nice to see her face. She also mentioned camping on Sunday night. I don't think I have the will for such a long evening filled with people I don't care much about. 

I feel distant from Nicole. Sometimes I feel second best to Natalia. Well, not sometimes if not always. Even when it was just her and I in San Francisco, I still was under the impression that it was not good enough. Little scenarios such as said situation make me feel so grateful for the chance I have been given to get out of this place. This post is way longer than I wanted. It's too late for rambling. Goodnight.


dianasaur said...

it's my fault you were up this late. english tea has a lot of caffeine. plus the mountain dew and venti coffees...