Saturday, August 16, 2008

Long long long.

Yesterday was a long day.

Okay so, I woke up early because I was really looking forward to seeing Dan. I did a few things and when I was done, I got a call from him with details etc. I had to go to Saddleback Church and as I parked, I had a moment of anxiety of not knowing whether or not to search for him in the large crowd of people or just call. I realized I was being unnecessarily scatterbrained so I opened the door and walked. It took me a few minutes but we locked eyes and hugged tightly. He looked radiant, tan and bearded. I loved the facial hair. Ah. He took me around and I met this one girl, Wendy, who was very warm. Saw Taylor and Joey, too. Joey seemed glad to see me which felt really good too. Afterwards I took Dan and Joey to Mickey D's then back to Dans. My boyfriend looked so worn out. They kept talking about this and that kid. Then I took Joey to his house and went back to Dans. He was sitting with his laptop on his lap because he is soooo in love with the internet/his computer that he couldn't just set it aside to talk. He did mention the Persian man who gave an interesting testimonial along with wanting to hang out with everyone since he is due to leave very soon. Then we sat and watched Degrassi, yeah... no other channels were working but it was good dramatic fun, for an hour or so as he would get phone call after text about hanging out. I decided to get going and prepare for Brittneys dinner so he walked me out. When he was kissing me goodbye, he paused and looked at me in this way that made me almost melt onto the asphalt. I don't know what was going through his head at that moment but I felt as light as air. I reluctantly drove home and packed a few things to head over to Nicole's. Got over there around 6. We got dressed and Natalia came around 6:45. I drove us to Javier's in Crystal Cove, which was not where I initially expected to go. Regardless, it was a really nicely decorated restaurant. Brittney was so happy and bubbly, I loved it. She invited us three along with her boyfriend, brother and girls she worked with. Fortunately, I worked with all of them as well so it became a makeshift reunion. They kept saying I look identical to Alexis Bledel (Gilmore Girls) and I really don't agree with that but it would not stop all night. I accepted only so it would pass. We were seated in a completely separated room that had thrown chairs and mosaic tiled walls, it was unbelievable. It was a lot of fun actually. Afterwards, there was nothing to do as expected. Nicole got a call from Jake asking if we wanted to go to the Mission Viejo Lake with him and friends. We agreed and I couldn't help but wonder if Dan would be around. Well, we changed into not so fancy apparel and  arrived around 12:30. Okay, pause. I am freezing in my room right now. I need warmth. Anyway, the girls and I were really tired at that point so nothing felt real, just laughing and jokes between us. Jake was the only one to stay and sat with us telling stories of Las Vegas. I felt like I was being put to sleep. I was so relaxed listening to him talk that I had to close my eyes for a while. Natalia and I left around 2:30. Nicole and Jake, I think ended up talking for longer... 

Today, I woke up grumpy. I felt awful. Snapped at my mother for no specific reason. Then she attacked me on the subject of tattoos. Then I holed myself up in my room thinking of why I felt so moody. As I left my bedroom, my mom grabbed me immediately. She hugged me and would not let go. Seriously. I had to pull her off. She started crying and saying she was going to miss me and how I'd miss her too. Long story short, the whole idea of hey, I'm going to need a laptop for school came up and now I am typing away on a BRAND NEW MACBOOK. Why do I act so selfishly sometimes? I am ridiculously lucky for every single person, situation and the time in my life right now. I will snap out of this a.s.a.p. otherwise I will be very unhappy and regretful. 


dianasaur said...

cool about the new computer! my heart is nervous about things right now...