Wellll here we are, week 2 of Spring Quarter.
To sum up:
- I've decided that cold weather is really limiting to aerobic exercise, which then makes me feel bad. At least I've located a source to the guilt I inflict onto myself.
- I have to get two A's in 2 of my classes in order to get into the Communications major, which has the highest GPA requirement out of the ALL majors at my school.
- If not, I'll have to pic
k a random major that I have taken enough coursework in, take summer school this and next summer, in order to graduate on time. Yuck.
- I work everyday except Fridays.
- I went to an evening service at Reality Carpenteria on Sunday. I absolutely love the worship there. It's unlike any other church I've attended. Sadly, they won't be doing evening services once Reality Ventura opens so we'll have to see what happens then.
- I'm being trained at KCSB! (<--this is my favorite new thing.) I had my first show yesterday and was totally unprepared so I just played random music from albums I was familiar with, instead of what my goal for the show is. What's this goal? It's basically to play music that I love but it doesn't have to flow or sound right. It's going to be an eclectic mix from rock music to spanish guitar. I know, super random, yes. But whatever. I'll have fun! And I have access to the studio 24 hours a day (or so they told me, I don't have a code to get in yet). There's SO much music to choose from. And records upon records! It's an absolute dream. Also, every week they get new releases that we can listen to. I'm ALSO thinking that I can take my laptop and just kinda snag some cds onto my itunes for free. (I still have to look into this, but if so, holy cooooow... my itunes will skyrocket in mass and I'm SO EXCITED.)
- Unfortunately, the thing here is that I think of Daniel a lot. And how much he'd love the access and availability of the music, being at the station etc. I find myself thinking, "Oh! I wish I could tell him about how great this and that is. He'd be so enthused!" I'm trying really hard to stop these thoughts. Wah.
- If I get everything accomplished and such, I will be live on KCSB in the fall! Yeeaah.
- I'm trying really hard to accept myself as myself. To not be so hard on myself and appreciate the body that He has gifted unto me.
- Looking forward to my birthday in 3 weeks! Finally in the 21s.
I'll try to be a lot more active on here. I've just been weird and writing about it was just not happening. Whatever whatever whatever. Here we are now. Let's move on.
activity needs to come to me too.
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