Monday, May 18, 2009

I may be limpin but I'm coming home.

I will just distract myself. This is it. I burned 9 CDs onto my laptop today. SO good. Love that feeling. I think I will have a completely new and improved music library by the end of this KCSB career. In other news, I have essays upon midterms on top of group presentations towering over finals. Wonderful. ALSO, I have feelings for someone. Feeling this way makes me sick, literally, no appetite. Then I get ravenous. But mostly not hungry and really sick. That's a lie. I'm not at all having trouble with my appetite. I wish! No I don't. I'm just full of bullshit tonight. What else? I love Nyrie, she reminds me of family. And then this weather is crap. What the hell is this cloudy coldness in MAY?! I don't agree. Cold weather allows for me to be physically unmotivated. This summer will be one where I kick my own ass. And one where I help Mandana study for the bar exam. Basically, it'll be a not so much of a summer but just a catching up period, ya know? Yeah. YOU know. Okay. I really have to continue writing about Octamom and how the Angels in Waiting completely violated her privacy by talking to the media. According to Communication Privacy Management theory, they obviously violated the collective boundary. Right. Here it goes. C'mon 6 more pages. Do it do it do it.