When I wake up tomorrow, it will be Wednesday THEN Thursday. Then I go home. And squeeze Lilo. Take a nice shower. Work out. Eat good food. What else? Sleep in a full sized bed. Do laundry. Enjoy nice weather. Oh how the time flies. Ughh I really hope my TA tomorrow doesn't pick on me so intensely like he did last week then accuse me of texting, which never happened. Sometimes 50 minutes seems so short. Other times, it feels like the longest hour of my life. I'm going to try to drive to class tomorrow since I don't have work due to furlough days. Then I can come back and kinda just catch up, relax, eat lunch and then go back. I'll have a break from 10-2 which is what, 4 hours? Sad that I'll be short on those hours for work. Bleh. Mandana came here last night. We goofed around for a while at the end of the night and I think Sammy was weirded out by us... huh. I watched The Notebook with 4 of my housemates tonight and it was lovely. Quite the romantic movie, I must say. I told Sammy that movies like The Notebook are bad for me and all womanhood. It just plants unrealistic ideas into our minds about romance and relationships that just isn't how it works in reality. Love is love and it's amazing and wonderful but NO it's not like the movies because nothing is ever like the movies. It's just not. College is never like the movies say it is. Lots of things aren't like the movies say they are and yes, I stand firm when I say that movies such as The Notebook are damaging in the sense that girls will watch it and expect things that truly don't exist. That's all. I woke up abruptly last night and now I have a cold sore. Thanks a lot. I also still have a cough. And back problems? Can't it just be Thursday 5:30pm already? Come early, please come.
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