It's weird how quickly relationships can form, disappear, strengthen or fade. Not just romantic but of course friendships as well. With me, I've always found comfort in having maybe 2 or 3 people that I would choose to surround myself with in comparison to a handful of acquaintances. Yeah, I prefer it that way. At the same time, I love meeting new people and sparking up conversations, I mean, who doesn't really? When I get into Santa Barbara, I have NO idea what to expect with the social aspect. I hope to meet a lot of interesting and captivating characters to insert into that chapter of my life. Going in there not knowing anyone but Diana gives me this anxious feeling but I'm hoping it will pass with the experience taking flight. I miss her. She's in Yosemite and it feels like a month since I've seen/spoke to her. And it's only been 4 days, I think. :[ Hm... anyway, I've been talking to Nicole about various friendship circles around us. Some that are completely bogus and fake. Almost just for show. Then there's some that are juvenile, yet probably real and true. If you're an adult, there comes a point in which you can't constantly be surrounded by your comrades due to the restrictions of responsibilities/jobs/priorities/pets/girlfriends/boyfriends/. I'm not saying once you reach 22, you have to immediately stop hanging out and grow up. However, it's not going to be the same as being 19 or even 20. And to fantasize that ideal would be a set up for disappointment. It's like that one guy who always wants it to be like old times, like high school or what have you. Okay, it probably won't ever be that way and just embrace the way it is now. The upsides to the age at present like being able to stay up past 1am and eating nutella for dinner. Maintaining friendships is clearly right and healthy but to not have the want of independence that is expected is just a little immature to me, I suppose. So there that is. I don't know where that came from. Just thinking out loud.
hi there i like to reads this
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