I can't believe that tomorrow is Wednesday! Yeeeeah, that is good news. I love that about school. How the days just burn on by. Last night, I met a handful of sweet and warm girls. Tomorrow, I will be having lunch with Annika, ain't that a fun name? Annika rhymes with Shaneequa, for pronunciation confusion purposes. Today, my Indian Cinema professor dropped the F bomb twice. In referring to the fact that the main British meal is now an Indian dish and how certain Indians completely denounce their Indian-ity and call themselves British. "Those fucking Paki's"...something or other was said here... "They fucking will say...". Oh, it was kinda weird to hear such a man incorporate profanity into his intellectual dialect.
I had no idea it's a Bollywood movie until this first number sprang on us.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Chaiyya chaiyya.
Posted by MDC at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Don't undermine my new resolution.
Posted by MDC at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
She'll make you breakfast, she'll make you toast.
And this song, especially in THIS version, you know what?
Posted by MDC at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Lye la lye.
I wonder why I was given certain traits.
Posted by MDC at 1:54 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Well, they'll take your soul if you let them.
These past 3 days have been ... intriguing.
Posted by MDC at 11:35 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Yeah, everybody leaves if they get the chance.
The car is packed to the rim, the closet is scarce and I've said my goodbyes.
Posted by MDC at 12:40 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars...

Posted by MDC at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Water water on the seeds.
Posted by MDC at 10:56 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
He'd like to come and meet us but he thinks he'd blow our minds.
I've just gotten back from taking Lilo on a drive. We used to do that a lot. I'd drive around Canyon Crest and have her sit on my lap. She usually puts her paws on the window and takes in the air. Her ears relax and I can just tell she feels like she's in her element. I had some Ray Charles going and I got a little sad. If I'm going to miss anything like crazy, it's going to be my fat-squished nosed-snorting-affectionate-bat-human-cat of a dog.
Posted by MDC at 8:03 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that?
Posted by MDC at 9:16 PM 1 comments
You can give me your number, when it's all over I'll let you know.
I just watched Entourage from last night.
Posted by MDC at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
we'll pay them double not to look at you for a while.
I am so restless right now. I didn't really exert much energy today which is not good because the end of the night rolls around and then I just can't relax! I might look mellow to anyone walking past my bedroom right now but no, underneath the facade I'm ready to do 4 sets 10 of cartwheels off my walls. Too bad the gym is closed. And too bad that it's eerily quiet down my street and running in the dark seems wrong? Well, what shall I do? I should just make myself go to sleep so that when I wake up I can start off my Monday by rigorous physical exertion. Yeah. I was watching some of Romeo + Juliet (you know, Baz Luhrman's rendition) this evening. It was an accident. I turned on the tv and after some scrolling, I saw it on the guide and somehow it was selected. Luckily, it was in the beginning when Romeo's sitting at Venice beach and you hear Radiohead meandering in the background. Well, I just couldn't walk away from that. I sat there until the end of the pool scene where Juliet drops Romeo her cross from the balcony, which isn't that long after all. I could have watched the whole thing but I stopped myself. asdlkadkdskljsa. I forget how much my female heart appreciates lovey-dovey films every now and then. Okay that's good.
Posted by MDC at 11:01 PM 0 comments
I see it comin'.
My neck hurts.
Posted by MDC at 1:38 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Cuteness is my call, not yours.
new york craigslist > manhattan > rooms & shares
$1 Room for ONE DOLLAR in bright, clean apartment (Upper West Side)
Reply to: hous-834022781@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2008-09-09, 1:44PM EDT
I am looking for someone to rent the spare bedroom in my spacious 2-bedroom apartment on the picturesque and desirable Upper West Side. You must read carefully, however, as this situation is not suitable for all.
The rent is $1 per month, utilities included, as long as you bake me fifty (50) tasty cookies every day by 6 p.m. If you have not completed this task by 6 p.m., I will pour vinegar on all your belongings, throw them into the street, and have the locks changed. No exceptions and no excuses. Hell or high water, those cookies better be done and yummy.
Cookies are always cookies and never biscuits. I do not eat “biscuits”.
I will decide the specific type of cookie the day before and will submit my preference in writing by 9 p.m. of that day. You are responsible for the recipe and ALL the ingredients (at your expense, of course). The kitchen is large and well equipped with cookie sheets, rolling pins, mixing bowls, etc. You may NOT hum or sing as you prepare the cookies. You may, however, recite song lyrics in a normal speaking voice.
Forbidden ingredients include anise, marjoram, allspice, caraway, and oats. I will nevertheless request oatmeal cookies from time to time and you must find a way to make them without oats. Good luck with that. The worst ingredient of all, though, is NUTMEG. If even one speck of nutmeg, even the tracest amount of the stuff, is discovered in my home, I will pour vinegar on your belongings and chuck them in the street. You may assume the locks will be changed. You may use cinnamon, cloves, and raisins, though I am rather indifferent to these and will likely not be impressed. Chocolate is encouraged, as is vanilla bean extract.
You will be given three cookie cutters: a crescent moon, a star, and a doggie in profile. All cookies must be in one of those three shapes. The doggies must be given names and all the names must be different and cute. Cuteness is my call, not yours. For example, “Smuggins” is cute but “Lionel” is not.
The cookies must be artfully arranged on a lace cloth on a silver platter and garnished. Permissible garnishes include jellied fruits and candied flowers. Sugared figs are under review, but don’t get your hopes up.
Your room contains a twin bed, a dresser, a desk w/chair, and a TV with cable access. The TV is tuned permanently to the Food Network. You may watch only shows featuring cookies and cookie by-products.
If you are interested in this arrangement, please submit the following:
1) Your favorite cookie recipe
2) A picture of tasty cookies
3) A short original poem about cookies
Thank you.
86 at B’way
* it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 834022781
Posted by MDC at 4:13 PM 1 comments
Any daaaay now.
Posted by MDC at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
And we'll become.
Tonight was not as I expected.
Posted by MDC at 12:09 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Saucerful of Secrets.
So as I'm sitting here watching the fast forwarded version of the VMA's so that I can see glimpses of my sister (yes, front row in royal blue... can't be missed) I can't help but wonder why I'm still awake. I got ready for bed around 9pm, hoping to get shut eye at 10:30 but it's juuuust not happening right now. I'm trying this new thing where I partake in regular sleeping hours, voluntary exercise and the consumption of food that won't make me subconsciously guilty, which, you see, isn't very new because I used to be ridiculously smashing at this whole nutritious bit, but I'll call it new for the sake of this post. Well, I did jog over three miles today and that's pretty cool, you know? I will toot my own horn because it was not an easy feat. Consider my horn tooted. This is going to be a long one... the post, not the toot.
Posted by MDC at 12:57 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Orange, Twig, and Beneath.
This (extended) weekend has been more fulfilling than I ever would have expected. It'll be kinda weird to go home because I know how much I'll miss Diana, Jasmine, the beautiful trees... well, everything. I was telling her, it's like I've been at the summer camp I never had and no one at home will understand what it was like other than who was with me. Westmont does not feel like any other college I've been to. It's just so much more personal on every level. I guess, that could be a great thing on most days and harder on others. Anyway, I had moments where I was thrown out of my comfort zone and it's been stimulating, I think I'll call it. I've laughed harder than I have in weeks, if not months. I've had time to be alone and independent but I still have a lot of sorting out that I need to do. Which actually, I like to do. Kind of like untangling a necklace. The one that you find at the bottom of your backpack or purse that you absentmindedly forgot about and is tangled with something else, like earrings or another chain. Or it's the one that you knew was knotted and impossibly frustrating to look at so you just leave it in its state because getting involved takes too much work and time. But, when it's all fixed, it's amazingly gratifying. Something like that. The one thing I will not miss about being here is eating really unhealthily. I can't deal with that. Seriously, my stomach cannot hang. Regardless, I'll be back out here in ohh, 12 days. Ah. I'm so excited for my life. In the words of the Carpenters (actually, Paul Willams), we've (and by we've, clearly, I mean I) only just begun to liiiiiiiiive.
Posted by MDC at 11:05 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
For british eyes only.
I don't know why I choose to drink coffee past 5pm. It's always a bad call. I've had a really charming 2 days in Santa Barbara. This town is incredibly beautiful. Every person that I've met has been so warm and welcoming. Also, I had a feeling that once I got into town I'd be hearing about my roommate assignment and what do ya know! Of couuuurrsee. Heather and I have been corresponding via email all weekend. A junior transfer from Valencia, an art major and an avid lover of Miyazaki films, Heather really enjoys a nice plate of caesar salad. I'm not sure what to expect but I think it will be quite amusing, to say the least. Well, I'm off to continue watching Arrested Development with some delightful folks.
Posted by MDC at 11:48 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
You look like my barbie.
I don't know how I feel.
Posted by MDC at 11:09 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Your eyelashes tickled my neck with every nervous blink.
I have massive shin splints. It's chilling. The mere thought of putting down my heel, applying pressure and rolling onto my toes makes me cringe. I pushed myself too hard on the last leg of my run yesterday and KNEW I'd pay. Hard and fast impact on cement is just asking for pain.
Posted by MDC at 6:41 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
That girl is poison.
I miss playing the piano. Lately, I've been going through old photographs with my mom and there are so many of my sisters and I at the piano bench. I mean I had lessons up until 4 years ago. Weird how quickly you lose practice in 4 years. It kills me. I'll pick it up again one day, I have no doubt about that.
Posted by MDC at 8:44 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Oh golly gee, I think you're dreamy.
Posted by MDC at 6:39 PM 1 comments