This (extended) weekend has been more fulfilling than I ever would have expected. It'll be kinda weird to go home because I know how much I'll miss Diana, Jasmine, the beautiful trees... well, everything. I was telling her, it's like I've been at the summer camp I never had and no one at home will understand what it was like other than who was with me. Westmont does not feel like any other college I've been to. It's just so much more personal on every level. I guess, that could be a great thing on most days and harder on others. Anyway, I had moments where I was thrown out of my comfort zone and it's been stimulating, I think I'll call it. I've laughed harder than I have in weeks, if not months. I've had time to be alone and independent but I still have a lot of sorting out that I need to do. Which actually, I like to do. Kind of like untangling a necklace. The one that you find at the bottom of your backpack or purse that you absentmindedly forgot about and is tangled with something else, like earrings or another chain. Or it's the one that you knew was knotted and impossibly frustrating to look at so you just leave it in its state because getting involved takes too much work and time. But, when it's all fixed, it's amazingly gratifying. Something like that. The one thing I will not miss about being here is eating really unhealthily. I can't deal with that. Seriously, my stomach cannot hang. Regardless, I'll be back out here in ohh, 12 days. Ah. I'm so excited for my life. In the words of the Carpenters (actually, Paul Willams), we've (and by we've, clearly, I mean I) only just begun to liiiiiiiiive.
i miss you already come back
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