Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hosanna, hosanna.

It seems like my days have gone by so quickly. Tomorrow is already Friday, which is pretty crazy, you know? Today was another one of those 8am-longer-than-a-day-should-be kinda day. It's not too bad though (for now). I'm into the whole busy thing. I'm sure I'll be swallowing all my words when the workload starts tapping on my shoulder but at least, right now, I can appreciate this first week as the grace week. Grace in the sense that it's the first and only week where I can be lax about the work. As far as progress goes, it seems highly unlikely that I'll get into the Italian Foods class but I can't say I didn't try. That class just needs to be bigger. It's pretty ridiculous if you ask me. Also, both my communications classes are freshman filled fiascos. It drives me crazy and I feel like I stand out in my annoyance. I don't want to be annoyed! It's totally an unintentional reaction to the Abercrombie & Fitch student body that surrounds me in these classes and not at all because I hate freshman.

Moving on, Real Life was so refreshing. It feels like home to me. I called it church to Kristen the other night and she said, "Church? It's not church. It's just like, a service or a meeting." I replied, "Well, it's church to me." I understand Chris Comstock isn't a pastor (yet) and that it's not a 'formal' anything. I have absolutely no problem in these technicalities. I feel God's presence in the theater, in the people around me and in myself. I can understand the perspective of Christians who have been Christian for all their lives who perceive Real Life as elementary, simple and basic. Fortunately, this is exactly what I need. Every single message Chris has given us, I've taken something out of. Anyways, the entire theater was packed tonight! I just think this is so cool. IV is such a sad, lonely place with so much love and hope filling its streets. Furthermore, I got to see many people who I haven't seen in weeks and I get the dreaded question of, "How was your break?" This is where I get into a dilemma. Mostly I just say, good, it was great. You know. Ha. Then I just feel really foolish for saying that cause it was far from good or great BUT I'm not going to go dumping that on someone who's innocently making small talk. So, there's a few people who I started with the whole "It was fine, yeah..." and then admitted, "Actually, it wasn't the best." Again, I feel foolish. I know these few do really care, know the backstory and everything but still, I feel awkward in talking about it for whatever reason. 

Looking back, it's a mistake to say it wasn't very good. Truthfully, it wasn't the best. Honestly, it sucked. Still, my parents know I'm Christian and a lot's in progress but ultimately everything will be good. Who knows how long it will take for my parents to accept my faith, if ever but it'll all pan in God's time. I failed at keeping strong in the company of my family but now that I'm here in Santa Barbara, I can rebuild, learn from my mistakes and persevere from here on out which is good, real good. 

Tomorrow, I have class at 8am to 10. Then another. Then work. I'm so excited for Nicole and Natalia to come and visit. I'm so so excited!

Well, here I go. Here's to another day.