I'm currently in a Jeff Buckley listening rampage. This happens quite frequently with all music I love. I go through phases of heavy rotations in older appreciated works such as Jeff Buckley or hmm, Paul Simon? Then find something new: heavy rotation. Then go back. It's a cycle. Sometimes I'll dabble in a bit of both old and new, depending on what my ears feel is pleasing.
I went to the gym today! First, I got lost... I was looking for this class and after mindlessly looking for it, I found the room number I was looking for posted on top of an old elevator... That couldn't be right. I thought, maybe you have to take this one elevator to reach this room, so I scoped it out and sure enough, there was no room at the top, just a balcony full of construction materials. So, I gave up on this class and did some old fashioned aerobic exercising. It was so nice. There's something about loud music, clearing my mind and pushing myself alllll at once that really strikes me as therapeutic. I don't know why I don't just go more often, other than the fact that there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything.
I've also been really considering volunteer opportunities locally and today, so many sprung up! Since there's a good amount of families living in IV, there's also an elementary school a little ways down the road. With that, I could do a bunch of after school stuff with kids, even like a Big Sister/Big Brother kind of mentoring! Then: I could call out numbers for Bingo at the Friendship Manor (elderly home) on Tuesday/Thursday nights. Or I could also serve lunch at the Catholic church to the IV homeless. All of these places are within walking distance to my apartment, it's just that I'd have to do the walking at night for half of them and that's just reallllll sketchy. These are just a handful of choices that I have. There's also assistance needed with the IV Medical Center and much more. I get so excited in throwing out ideas but I have to also consider how many places I can be and excel in school, yadda yadda yadda. I really respect those that leave this country or state in order to be of use to the unfortunate, to serve God, aid in any way. I also think that there's so much that could be done locally, as well, that is just as respectable and not as easily recognizable.
In other news, a bunch of girls from my bible study and then from Real Life want me to live with them in this house called the Bella Rouge... isn't that just the sweetest name? I feel like I'd be living on some Southern Ranch. Anyways, I've been to this house once since one of the leaders of the bible study actually lives there. It's a pretty big home and from what I hear, the bedrooms are larger than expected and there's a rooftop deck, which makes me excited. Two blocks from the ocean is also a nice little plus. Rent is 650 and I'd be sharing a room. There'd be 10 or 11 of us in total... that's kind of crazy to think, isn't it?
I think 10 or 11 girls and I think, oh my estrogen. I can barely handle living with 3 (or 4... Lilo counts) women at home... Then I have to consider that the chances of everyone being at home at the same time is pretty slim. I also have to consider my other living arrangements which would be to live in an older apartment with a complete stranger since San Clemente apartments are out of the question. I spoke to the Housing Coordinator, they gave me some wishy washy answers that just won't cut it. I can't rely on a "Maaaaayyybbee it'll work but you never know, however it's unlikely" riff raff.
At this point, I think it might be a good idea. All the girls are very sweet Christians who will be seniors, just like me. I think that the chaos of living with 10 people seems ridiculous but also, could be a lot of fun. Obviously, this has been done before and the girls living at Bella Rouge are all doin' it. I know dynamics of roommates vary and an abundant amount of women usually ends up in annoyance and bickering. It could also be a really awesome experience. I have no way of knowing! It's great that it just kind of popped up on me. The thing is, the lease needs to be signed... tomorrow. Yes. THATS RIGHT. Not much time to think this one out, eh? We're all going to get together and discuss tonight. If I feel it in my heart that it'll be good, I'll just do it.
This is a long essay post and I think I'll just stop rambling. There's just so much going onnnnn. Oh, the joys of being young and full of opportunity.
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